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Workshop Leader

JW Conference Workshops are focused on giving tools to empower women. Each is led by an instructor, with a short time for questions and answers at the end. The workshops should fit into these descriptions: How to…. Keys…. Tips…


Come share truths and tools and empower women

Workshop Details

Each workshop has 50 minutes planned, but we are recommending planning on 45 minutes for your session. Typically in this kind of situation, it takes participants some time to show up for sessions. So plan about 45 minutes of material, but plan on the first 5 min being a chance for light talk in your group. 


Please create session notes and a handout for your workshop. You can print them, or send them to Grace by February 20th, and she can print them and bring them. They don’t need to be in color or have fancy graphics, just make something simple to hand out to help guide the class and be a resource to take home. 


Share a short introduction and share some of your story as it relates to the workshop subject. Workshops are focused on teaching- so Workshop Leaders will be in front, and sharing tools and fresh inspiration. They can open it up for questions, and quick input from their group, but it is seen as a classroom setting. Open discussion at the end is great if you desire, and you’ve met your main goal. 


I do not have curriculum to give you but I am trusting God to lead you on how to teach your subject. 



Conference goal is to have 100 attendees. If all of them participate in the workshops, and we have 6 workshops, that will be an average of 12 people per workshop. I imagine some topics are going to have a greater attendance than others. Our plan is to have attendees sign up for the workshops when they register, so you can see the lists before the workshops begin. 


Bio and Description
ASAP - Please send a short bio and a headshot for yourself, and then send a brief sales pitch for your workshop to advertise with!

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