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Small Group Leaders

Small groups are essential for equipping, empowering, and unleashing women. It is in small groups that we can connect, take down our walls, and experience a grace filled community.  

Attendees will choose a group to join, and will stay with that small 
group for the event so they can build trust. 

Small Groups are the heartbeat of our conferences.

Small Group Leaders

​As a Small Group Leader, you will greet, lead discussions, monitor the conversations, be a mentor, and lead in prayer. 


  • Before the conference, spend time in prayer and fasting the three days before the conference. Our goal is that each participant will encounter God, and we are the warriors to fight for victories, deliverance, healing, and everything that God wants to do through the small group times. 
    Greet: Greet each person warmly, either shake their hand or at least give them eye contact and welcome them personally.
    Lead Discussions: Each session has planned group discussion and goals to meet. As a leader, you are responsible to stay as close to the plan as possible, so the goals can be achieved. 
    Monitor: Your goal is to guide your group (we know women can talk and go on rabbit trails!) in these discussions with discernment, grace, and wisdom. Some women tend to dominate conversation, others want to be a therapist, and others will be practically invisible. Sometimes there will be a woman who doesn’t really want to sit with the group- ask God to show you how to connect and draw her in. Sometimes you have to take your authority and redirect conversation or ask one person to pause so others can share. This isn’t easy but it is important if you have a talker and several quiet ones. A monitor also watches for the “therapists” and reminds the group to not have any cross-talk. 
    Mentor: There may be opportunities to share a few words of insight and wisdom. Make these brief (the goal is group participation and discussion), but speak God’s truth. You can offer to meet one-on-one with one of your ladies during a break time to share more, or to give your contact info for future mentoring. 
    Lead in prayer- you may invite a group member to pray, or lead out yourself. Each group time should be opened and sealed in prayer. 
    Host: Make sure the ladies in your group know where the bathrooms are and where to get a drink. If someone is crying, keep tissues close to hand to them if they want them, but don’t shove them at them. Sometimes we have to get all snooty and messy as we heal. You can also pass around chocolates or a treat if you want!

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