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Champions of Hope

A Champion of Hope shares a testimony from their life in an area(s) God set them free, brought healing, or enabled them to go through very difficult situations. 


You have the opportunity to share with other women how big our God is, and how much He loves us. Our circumstances may have been very challenging - I’ve had women say they felt their lives were shattered...but God. In telling your testimony, you do not have to feel you have arrived at a place of perfection, because none of us can do that!!! You just share in an area of your life that God is helping you to take those steps of healing and freedom. 


You get to give one of the greatest gifts and that is HOPE.

Champions of Hope



  • You will have 7 minutes to share your testimony

  •  There will be two Champions of Hope per main session, except Sunday which just has one. We LOVE lots of stories of hope.

  • Please pray about what to share- listen for God’s leading. You can give a overview of your life in that 7 min, or you can focus on one part of your journey.

  • Be REAL. Share the emotions you felt, and how you were hurt or knocked down.

  • Don’t be afraid to to use words like “affair” “rape” “homosexual.” Sometimes people feel uncomfortable talking about these things if they have a church background. We want our stories to be real so use modern English to explain what happened! (let go of churchize talk!).

  • You don’t need to share the names of others in your story, but you can either give them a nickname or refer to them with nouns (father, mother, friend…)

  • Fill out the online form with your story- you will get an email with it that you can print off and read or read from your phone: 

  • Set a timer and practice what you are going to say before the conference. Make sure you can fit the points into the 7 minutes.

  • When you finish practicing, ask God if there was anything that came out with an ouch, and let Him speak peace to those tender spots.

  • Don’t be afraid to cry- it’s nothing to be ashamed of. If you’re not a cryer, that’s Ok too! We are each unique masterpieces!!

  • We encourage you to send some photos to go on a slide show (2-5) that goes with your testimony. This engages the audience and helps them connect with your story more. Please send these to by February 18th.

  • When it is your time to share at the conference, our MC will introduce you and you will go up front and speak into the mic. When you finish speaking, the MC will say a few words of encouragement. The MC will hold up a cue card to help you know when your time is almost up.

  • Please respect the time allowed for this opportunity, and follow the cues from leadership. We want each person that is scheduled to speak from the front to have the time they were given.

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